Who is Incorruptible.Us?
Big Tobacco will never own us!

Policy Change
We are always looking for motivated and creative teens for New Jersey's Incorruptible.Us Campaign. It's time to take a stand against vapes and Big Tobacco. We advocate for policy change in our schools, community & more!
Incorruptible.Us members and Youth Coordinators regularly provide our Don't Get Vaped In presentation for educational information about the dangers of Big Tobacco and vapes to community groups, schools, youth organizations & more!
Social Media Campaign
Each of NJ's 21 counties has an Incorruptible.Us chapter. Check out what your county is doing by visiting their Instagram page for information, memes, event coverage, & more: CLICK HERE!
About Incorruptible.Us
Issues demanding action!
Tobacco Is A Social Justice Issue & Take Down Tobacco
Big Tobacco has aggressively and disproportionately targeted members of the Military, Racial & Ethnic Groups, Low Income Communities, Public Schools, Colleges & Universities, the LGBTQ+ Community, and our Mental Health. It's time we expose Big Tobacco for what they really are -- the biggest jokers of all.
Environmental Tobacco Issues
Tobacco is an Environmental Issue. Did you know that cigarette butts are the most littered item in the world? What about how E-Cigs cause toxic waste, heavy metals like nickel, tin, and lead to pollute our waterways, parks, and beaches? We want to protect our environment -- not let Big Tobacco destroy it.
Cessation & The Great American SmokeOut
Quitting any form of Tobacco Use isn't easy -- but it's possible! We make sure our friends and family have the resources they need. Stay tuned for this years Great American SmokeOut Campaign.
Mental Health & Wellness
Tobacco companies have targeted individuals with mental health conditions for years, and their marketing of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems products has led to teens having worsened symptoms of anxiety and depression. Tobacco industry misconceptions that tobacco use "improves your mood," is clearly the complete opposite.